I know that there is a whole lot of "film" out there filled with gaging and kneeling and the fucking of faces and if that is your flavour of choice, please enjoy but then I am not the service provider for you, many others are, but I am not.
For I love to Give Head. I love to get comfortable, maybe my head resting on your inner thigh, so I can reach your balls as well as your cock. I love to start with a soft cock and feel the growing in my mouth. I get everything so wet, so wanting, so giving. From the slurping, licking and strong sucking of the tip of your cock there are so many moves that just feel like an amazing palette of textures to call from in the artistry of Giving Head.
What happens when I can hear you are enjoying this deliciousness, is that I feel your pleasure and find such goodness in my body too. That wonderful feedback loop of you enjoying me, enjoying you, enjoying me... So GOOD. Tis so easy to find this act of worship when you love cock like I love cock. All of them, all shapes and sizes, I find something to love... I am a Mama after all.