BEEMIT@livinggently if you would like to help.
ALSO, AUDIO PRODUCTS STILL AVAILABLE. email: belilsumer@gmail.com
A full sensuous service.
I am very real, open, free range Big Beautiful WOMAN. I have a softness, a warmth, an honesty that you can trust. I choose to consider the anonymous sexual encounter with a professional an opportunity to go into a whole lot more that many emotionally based relationships can ever reach. My sessions are deeply sensuous, sensate, accepting of who you are and where you are at. There is a kindness here that perhaps we can rest in, together. I suit those who seek an encounter with the comforting connection of a woman and those who enjoy maturity and voluptuous softness. I adore having my body pleasured and appreciated by fans of my body type the mature BBW. I am the type who wants to engage with you, all of you. I seek those who yearn for a companion and play mate. I suit those who seek erotic connection and as well as submersion in the senses. And for those that love the natural breasts (20F), I take breast play and ass worship to such orgasmic places.
Some of my OFFERINGS are:
YOUR TURN: This is where I guide you into your body, exploring all that makes you cum alive. Creating an opportunity to surrender to yours pleasures.
MY TURN: This is where I guide you into worshipping my body. From my gorgeous natural 20F breasts to my enormous soft round bottom. Bring to me your mouths, your hands and I will show you just the right spots.
OUR TURN. This is where we get to play and play and play. Share some skin, companionship, talk, laugh, and play some more.

Exploring mama B
Rest at the breast till we find that unconditional care that only a Mama can. I love to explore the sexual being of Mama and where that can take us both.
My Mama is kind, not cruel and can accept you as adult or in age play. This is an opportunity to explore a deeply held moment where your little boy is accepted deeply for all the horny he lives in.
Together we make sex good, right, deliciously enjoyed, a natural part of all humans. Bring to me, to my breast, all those woes, all those pains, let me kiss them better.
This can be the most deeply engaging Role Play, if you will let it be. We need at least 2 hours to set this up, go all the way in and then out of the experience with some time at the end to integrate and make sure all will be well. There are many levels available, what are you hungry for?
cub training
No denying I am a COUGAR... are you my CUB?... ready and willing to learn all about the body you are in and how to truly enjoy MY Body. There is a freedom an older woman can share that may well blow your mind. For IF You Know Nothing, John Snow…. let me teach you.
In a deeply non-judgemental place, where you can ask almost ANYTHING you have ever wanted to know about women, sex, play, bodies… we can explore what pleasure means for you.
Find the words that a google search can’t deliver. How has your body been wired? Where you have been so far, and where may you like to go. We can also explore what sharing pleasure with another can mean for them, how their pleasure can become your pleasure. This is experiential learning, a Full Service… probably with a lot of fun throughout.
These sessions are minimum one hour, but best if they are two hours. More time to play and relax, an excellent way to learn. Can also become a Swinger night adventure for a that field trip learning!

About Mama B
I offer you a deep accepting space that holds us both good and right in this… this moment we allow ourselves.
I suit those who seek an encounter with the comforting connection of a woman and those who enjoy maturity and voluptuous softness. I adore having my body pleasured and appreciated by fans of my body type the mature BBW. I am the type who wants to engage with you, all of you. I seek those who yearn for a companion and play mate. I suit those who seek erotic connection and as well as submersion in the senses. And for those that love the natural breasts, I take breast play to such orgasmic places!